I provide the following types of evaluations for criminally-involved defendants:
Competency to stand trial
Mental state at the time of offense (criminal responsibility)
Competency to waive Miranda rights
General psychodiagnostic, including psychological testing
Relevant training and experience:
Completion of advanced trainings at the Institute of Law, Psychiatry, and Public Policy (see CV for list)
Pre-doctoral internship (forensic specialty track) at New York University - Bellevue Hospital Center, which included rotations in Bellevue's forensic inpatient unit, the Bronx Court Clinic, and Kirby Forensic Psychiatric Center
Certification from the Commonwealth of Virginia to conduct evaluations of adult competency to stand trial (§19.2 – 169.1) and mental state at the time of offense (§19.2 – 169.5)
10 years of experience conducting forensic evaluations
7 years of experience providing inpatient competency restoration and treatment of individuals acquitted Not Guilty by Reason of Insanity
If you are a court representative or attorney interested in employing my forensic services, please contact me at